A Hand Book Of Criminal Law And Procedure Through Cases

This handbook which is in its 2nd edition covers a wide range of important issues in criminal law, including approaches, methods and models, general principles, specific offenses. This edition captures recent developments in the law as evidenced by decisions of the Superior Courts, particularly the Apex court. The subject areas have also been expanded, while their classification now makes for easier reading and quicker reference as occasion demands. A very easy to use subject matter index forms an important component of the book making referencing a lot easier.



“Both the 1st edition and this 2nd edition of criminal Law and procedure through cases are Grade A legal boost, a must have for anyone interested in Criminal Law and procedure”- Hon. Justice Olabode Rhodes-Vivour, CFR,JSC.

Why Should You Buy the Hand Book Of Criminal Law And Procedure Through Cases?

Being armed with this Book puts you on top of your game, in any criminal proceedings. We have you covered, concerning all important court decisions, particularly by the Supreme, Court, dating back to 1956

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